In a more demanding employment market now, more than ever, the need for mentorship and guidance for you to choose your career wisely is crucial. As a career center, our aim is to bridge the gap between professional life needs and our educational system to provide our students with the right skills and knowledge so that they succeed in their professional lives. We are committed as well to keeping and developing partnerships with SMU’s employers' network and aiding them in addressing their challenges in terms of recruitment needs, thanks to our student profiles that fit the constantly evolving job market.
We are pleased to help whenever needed and we would like to welcome you to our office or welcome your requests via email to our email address:
You can also consult our Linkedin Page in order to be up to date with our events ( conferences , inspirational talks etc..) :
The Career and Alumni Center shared around:
196 M2 Internships Janv 2022 till now 350 M2 Internships |
145 Summer internships Janv 2022 till now 450 Summer internships |
83 Capstone internships Janv 2022 till now 170 Capstone internships |
77 International internships Janv 2022 till now 90 International internships |
37 National internships during the year |
406 National jobs Janv 2022 till now 420 national job opportunities |
210 International jobs
Janv 2022 till now 100 International Job opportunities |
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8 partners
Our job consists of supporting students by providing a variety of interesting topics to empower them with the skills needed. We are pleased to help whenever needed and we would like to welcome you to our office or welcome your requests via email to our email address:
Workshop on different topics
Overview of different paths in various business fields with the presence of top managers and CEOs so that you choose your major wisely
· Techniques of elaborating your resume and cover letter which are your first gate to the professional world · Preparing for interviews and tips from experts on how to succeed in getting the offer · Building an effective network to make you grow professionally · Mastering techniques of branding for your professional profile through social media. |
Internships & Job opportunities |
As we operate within an important network of business professionals and continuously work on establishing partnerships with new organizations, we offer a wider range of internships, summer jobs, and career opportunities to help you develop an understanding of the operation of a company or an organization, develop oral and written communication and reporting skills and teamwork as well as interpersonal skills.
Career Passport
As part of your experience with us, we offer you a passport and with each event, you attend you get a stamp. Attending our events and collecting stamps will be rewarding.
Entrepreneurial life | Keep an eye on our entrepreneurial events to be inspired, leverage your network and your knowledge. It includes workshops, inspirational talks, and conferences.
Job Fair
To enhance your chances of employability do not miss our Career Fair, an annual job fair, and a unique opportunity for exposure to job/internship offers, to build a professional network, and to be up to date with market trends. |
2021 till Dec 2021, the Career and Alumni Center shared around:
2021 |
2021 |
145 Summer Internships Janv 2022 till now 450 Summer Internships |
196 M2 Internships Janv 2022 till now 350 M2 Internships |
37 National internships during the year Janv 2022 till now 37 National internships during the year |
77 International Internships Janv 2022 till now 90 International Internships |
We are very proud to share with our network, the testimonial of the month, received from our brilliant MedTech student Henry-Claude Madiba
Henry-Claude Madiba
MedTech student
So far I’m quite pleased with my time at SMU, the professors and staff have successfully managed to set up an efficient learning environment. The taxing Curriculum enabled me to strive during my internship experience at GIZ. SMU perfectly embodies Tunisian culture through its hospitality and relentless pursuit of success for all its students.
Once you graduate, your journey continues with the career center. We are currently working on a membership card program that would give you access to many advantages, such as a privileged discount on our executive programs tuition fees, free access to the SMU Library, special rates for room rentals... We look forward to hearing your success stories and testimonials and sharing them within our platform. We will reach out to you also via email and on our LinkedIn page with different job opportunities so stay tuned.
We are pleased to help whenever needed and we would like to welcome you to our office or welcome your requests via email to our email address:
Workshop on different topics
Overview of different paths in various business fields with the presence of top managers and CEOs so that you choose your major wisely
· Techniques of elaborating your resume and cover letter which are your first gate to the professional world · Preparing for interviews and tips from experts on how to succeed in getting the offer · Building an effective network to make you grow professionally · Mastering techniques of branding for your professional profile through social media. |
Internships & Job opportunities |
As we operate within an important network of business professionals and continuously work on establishing partnerships with new organizations, we offer a wider range of internships, summer jobs, and career opportunities to help you develop an understanding of the operation of a company or an organization, develop oral and written communication and reporting skills and teamwork as well as interpersonal skills.
Job Fair
To enhance your chances of employability do not miss our Career Fair, an annual job fair, and a unique opportunity for exposure to job/internship offers, to build a professional network, and to be up to date with market trends.
Entrepreneurial life | Keep an eye on our entrepreneurial events to be inspired, leverage your network and your knowledge. It includes workshops, inspirational talks, and conferences.
Collaborating with our Alumni
Our relationship with our students isn’t just based upon us advising them on their career paths, or finding suitable internships for them etc, it also continues when they graduate. We usually collaborate with our Alumni in order to organize inspirational talks, training session and conferences etc.. They also offer our students and other Alumni internship and job opportunities whenever they have positions to fill. |
2021 |
2021 |
398 National jobs Janv 2022 till now 420 National jobs |
205 International jobs Janv 2022 till now 100 International jobs |
Ali Abdelhakim
MBM Alumnus Cohort 2019
Ever since I joined MSB it was a great experience during my pursuit of my license and my Master's degree at MSB, as an international student, MSB was my first choice as a prestigious and a well recognized institution and as a destination that welcomed students from different cultures and different backgrounds due to its diverse and welcoming culture. Moreover, as a Libyan student most of the time i felt welcomed as Tunisia and Libya were not so different in terms of habits and traditions yet I became friends with many students and many faculty members. MSB offers more than an environment where the skills and knowledge that I acquired during my experience were not only the product of the courses offered but were also a result of the competent professors that I encountered during my time here. Eventually I just want to say that MSB will always be part of me.
Our valuable network consists of a diverse range of industries and sectors such as automotive, banking, and financial services, manufacturing and processing, transport and coordination, customer service, and pharmaceuticals and health technologies to name a few. We offer our partners different opportunities consisting of:
We are pleased to help whenever needed and we would like to welcome you to our office or welcome your requests via email to our email address:
To ensure its mission, the CAC signed partnerships with national, multinational and international organizations to provide internships, job opportunities and regular connections to the job market to our students and Alumni; The SMU career center provides its partners with a wide range of benefits.
We are very proud to introduce our new partners,INSOMEA and happy to have you Mr Nabil Youssef ,EMBA Alumnus,CEO & Founder at INSOMEA Computer Solutions.
and Dr. Karim HADJAR ,Business Unit Manager at INSOMEA. MCT. Co-founder and CTO of Gridnex Cloud Gaming.
Insomea Computer Solution is a player in the Digital transformation of companies, which positions itself as a strategic partner of its customers by supporting them in their strategies by providing them with solutions at the cutting edge of technology with the analysis and valuation of their data, the development and control of their digital experience.
Insomea Computer Solution intervenes on the 2 axes in digital transformation: Digital marketing and Cloud Transformation.
We are proud to be Microsoft Cloud Partner since 2014. We have gained great experience with our certified experts in deploying and implementing various Microsoft solutions in different domains.
We work closely with Microsoft to provide our customers with cutting-edge, cost-effective solutions to increase productivity and revenue and drive innovation.
Feel free to schedule a call with one of our advisors.
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Riley Ramone
Founder, Ticketlab Limited
« Oussama was a pleasure to work with. During his time working with me at Ticketlab, Oussama was conscientious and full of ideas. He was a valuable member of the team and we wish him the best of luck in his career going forward. »
Mariem Ferchichi
Senior Research And Development Engineer, Epilert
« I had the pleasure to supervise Mr. Wajdi Ben Slama during his capstone project with Epilert from 4 February entitled “Motion Artefact Removal from PPG signal”. During this period, Wajdi discovered the field of digital signal processing. he quickly assimilated the theoretical aspects and the challenges of the project. he has familiarized with Matlab environment for the realization of filtering blocks as well as the algorithms for the Motion artefact removal. Wajdi is a pleasant, smiling person who integrated very well into our team and who showed great motivation throughout the internship. »
Hatem Haddad
Co-Founder, iCompass
« My name is Hatem Haddad. I am the Co-Founder, the Chief technology officer and the R&D Director at iCompass. My research topics are focused on Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. Chayma was a valuable capstone intern at iCompass. During her 6-months journey, her duties were to create the first Tunisian Arabizi dataset, to implement a Sentiment Analysis model using deep learning, to test the performances and to write the technical specifications. Chayma succeeded to achieve all the requested duties. She was involved in her mission, demonstrated very good abilities in investigating and studying in depth complicated situations in NLP and Deep Learning and in proposing, implementing and evaluating efficient solutions to problematic situations in those areas. Other than her capstone's duties, she realized important achievements by winning a Zindi African competition where her work was classified as outstanding submission that was further accomplished in partnership with the UNESCO, AI4D, Knowledge4all and CIPIT university. Also, she published a paper and a poster to the international conference on learning representations (ICLR 2020) and participated in other R&D activities of iCompass like chatbots. She assisted me during the “Covid-19 Maghreb Bootcamp” where iCompass was the winner. For all these reasons, iCompass decided to hire her as Artificial Intelligence R&D Engineer in July 2020 just after her graduation.»
Ahmed Hamza
Modern Workplace, Business Services Leader,
« Having worked with the team of South Mediterranean University and directly dealt with students both from MSB and MedTech, we were highly impressed by the level of commitment and professionalism portrayed by these team members we had the pleasure hosting and collaborating with. They all showed a great sense of engagement and interest in the business we do. We in fact, have onboarded one of them within our innovative Salesforce Business Unit to launch such capability in Tunisia serving clients in France, USA and Canada. We in DXC, value hard work, integrity and innovation. We are committed to our people, customers and business. We believe that the students we onboarded from SMU share the same ethical and professional set of values, which is crucial to us. »
Meet our Highered Ambassadors
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Roua Alouini |
Selim Zereli |
MBM student |
Medtech student |
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Zeineb Toumi |
UPM student
This year, they held three information sessions to learn more about the platform and how to use it effectively.
For our Alumni and students, our platform must provide better chances.
The job openings are announced on Linkedin and by email.
• Club fair: (6th of October) The open-door journey that encompasses the opportunities of joining clubs in SMU community. Thanks to the collaboration of the student life, we were successfully able to have a stand on campus as for to explain our purpose and to provide the notoriety of the organization.
• Info sessions: (2nd,5th, and 9th of November) This info sessions were held within the campus to aim that all the students register through the platform and benefits from the opportunities offered by SMU and Highered communities.
• Job fair: (17th of November) A golden opportunity that made us connect with local and international companies in which we shared our mission and vision to students from all over the country due to the openness of the campus to all the visitors thanks to the values that the SMU career center is working under. 100+ students were registered on the platform on that day. Unfortunately, this opportunity was only valid for SMU students but following the hard work, Highered is now open to collaborate with other universities and elect ambassadors
• ExpressFM radio passage to highlight the job fair point which will be great for our notoriety as if we were responsible in making the changes!
• GetHigheredThursdays: (25th of November) Consists of a career talk live on Instagram with Dr. Amber Wigmore Alvarez was a great opportunity to discuss our engagements and future vision of our professional career.
• Mouth to ear share of the opportunities within the platform.
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210 international jobs
77 international internships
“ Our SMU Alumni and Students are the most precious asset that we have. Their voices and inspiring stories are constantly shared by posting the testimonials received from them, and from their recruiters. The Career and Alumni Center’s Slogan is: “We are the compass of your Career Path.
Our objective is to follow our students and Alumni in their career development in order to be able to provide them with academic and relational support, so that they can be the leaders of tomorrow.
We ensure this by making our best effort in terms of matching students and Alumni with suitable internships and jobs, on a national and international level.
In fact, all of this is possible thanks to the partnerships we made with different companies in diverse activity sectors.
It also organizes different kinds of events throughout the year, like workshops, conferences, inspirational talks and many more.
Thus, the CAC Mag was created in order to highlight all of the accomplishments of our SMU community and to present the events organized and the different guests we welcomed on campus.
The magazine is published semi annually, and if you’re interested in knowing more details, you can consult the latest magazine shared on June 2021, by downloading it as follows: