
MSB Honor Code




MSB Honor Code affirms the school’s dedication to integrity and trust.

The Honor Code sets out the standards of conduct expected of MSB community members, including students, faculty, and staff. It holds individuals and/or groups responsible for the consequences of their actions.

MSB places a strong emphasis on (I) academic integrity, (E) ethics and diversity, and (S) social responsibility and active citizenship. This framework is referred to as IES:

  • Integrity: includes honesty, fairness and transparency in all academic processes, and a rejection of all that is related to falsification, misrepresentation or deception.
  • Ethics and diversity: respecting differences in people, ideas, and opinions.
  • Social responsibility and active citizenship: acting ethically and responsibly according to the school's set regulations.

MSB is a community of students, faculty, alumni, and staff involved in learning, teaching, research and services engaged in a collaborative educational endeavor. In accordance with MSB mission and the IES framework, all members of MSB community are expected to contribute positively to MSB's social, learning and work environments.

Respect, professionalism, civility, diversity, responsibility, and inclusiveness are key values driving MSB's vision.

Failure to fulfill these responsibilities may result in the withdrawal of privileges or the imposition of sanctions.

Disciplinary measures for students include but are not limited to:

  • Written warning
  • Probation, during which certain conditions must be fulfilled and good behaviour must be demonstrated
  • Payment of costs or compensation for any loss, damage or injury caused by the conduct
  • Issuance of an apology
  • Loss of certain privileges such as eligibility for exchange opportunities, recommendation letters and scholarships or Tuition waivers
  • Restriction or prohibition of access to, or use of, MSB facilities, services, activities or programs
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion

Disciplinary measures for staff and faculty include but are not limited to:

  • Warning
  • Written warning
  • Loss of certain privileges
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
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