
Sana Mami ep Kefi


Qualifications: PhD, Economics, Specialized Master, Financial Economics, Bachelor, Finance


Sana Mami Kefi is an Associate Professor and the Discipline Lead of Economics at the Mediterranean School of Business (MSB). She holds a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM). Prior to joining MSB, she worked as a Consultant for the Development Research Department of the African Development Bank (AfDB). She also was a Teaching Assistant at UQAM. Her research interests include development economics, economics of immigration, household choices and economics of education.


Areas of Expertise

Micro-economics International Economics Managerial Economics

Research Interest

Development economics Economics of Immigration Economics of Education

Note on Democracy and Competition: The Role of Ownership Structure in a General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences

A Note on Democracy and Competition: The Role of Ownership Structure in a General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences

Democracy, Competition and Ownership Structure: A General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences

More Competition to Alleviate Poverty? A General Equilibrium Model and An Empirical Study

More Competition to Alleviate Poverty? A General Equilibrium Model and An Empirical Study. 8th Euro-African Conference on Finance and Economics/ Mediterranean Workshop in Economic Theory CEAFE/MWET, School of Economics and Management (FEP)

More competition to alleviate poverty? A general equilibrium model and an emipirical study

More Competition to alleviate poverty? A general equilibrium model and an empirical study. Strategic Interactions and General Equilibrium XI: Theories and Applications

Poverty and Competition: Does the competition type matter?

Competition and Poverty: A Theoretical Analysis and an Empirical Study. 9th CEAFE/MWET Conference (Conférence Euro-Africaine en Finance et Economie/ Mediterranean Workshop in Economic Theory)

Competition and Poverty: Does the Competition Type Matter?, 2ème Journée Méditerranéenne “Modélisation et Analyse Statistique et Economique’’, CIHEAM-IAMM

Competition and Poverty: A Theoretical Analysis and an Empirical Study. The International Conference on Sustainable Development, Social Responsibility and Business Ethics

Competition and Poverty: Does the Competition Type Matter?

More Competition to Alleviate Poverty? A General Equilibrium Model and An Empirical Study. 1ère Journée Méditerranéenne “Modélisation et Analyse Statistique et Economique", Beit El-Hikma

More Competition to Alleviate Poverty? A General Equilibrium Model and An Empirical Study. Research Coffee Corner, MSB

Competition, Poverty and Ownership Structure. Economic and Statistic Modeling and Analysis seminar (MASE), ESSAI

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