Qualifications: PhD, Applied Mathematics, Specialized Master, Applied Mathematics, Master of Science in Engineering
Hend Ghazzai has a Ph.D in applied mathematics from the University of Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne. She joined MSB in 2016 and is currently a full professor in Quantitative Methods. She also serves as the EMBA academic director and QMM discipline lead at MSB. Before joining MSB, she worked for nine years at the College of Business and Economics at Qatar University, teaching quantitative courses both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Note on Democracy and Competition: The Role of Ownership Structure in a General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences
A Note on Democracy and Competition: The Role of Ownership Structure in a General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences
International Ecolabel Versus National Ecolabels.
Ecolabels: Is more information better?
Democracy, Competition and Ownership Structure: A General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences
Ecolabel: Is More Information Better?
More Competition to Alleviate Poverty? A General Equilibrium Model and An Empirical Study
Openness and Informality: a theoretical analysis and an empirical investigation. 8th Euro-African Conference in Finance and Economics (CAFE/MEET)
More Competition to Alleviate Poverty? A General Equilibrium Model and An Empirical Study. 8th Euro-African Conference on Finance and Economics/ Mediterranean Workshop in Economic Theory CEAFE/MWET, School of Economics and Management (FEP)
On the political economy of economic integration.
More competition to alleviate poverty? A general equilibrium model and an emipirical study
Why Would Firms Fund (Directly or Indirectly) Basic Research? Research Coffee Corner-8th Session
Vertical Differentiation, Economic Openness and the Informal Sector. Research Coffee Corner (Session 3)
Globalisation and informality: The role of quality gap and social contributions
Consumers Conformity and Vanity in Vertically Differentiated Markets
Vertical Differentiation, Social Networks and Compatibility Decisions
Multiproduct Strategies and Relative Preferences for Quality
Basic Research and Market Concentration. 9th Euro-African Conference in Finance and Economics (CEAFE/MWET)
Environmental Vs Hedonic qualities: Effectiveness of Environmental Awareness Campaigns. International Conference on Sustainable Development and Business Ethics
Basic Research and Market Concentration. Journée Méditerranéenne Modélisation et Analyse Statistique et Economique
More Competition to alleviate poverty? A general equilibrium model and an empirical study. Strategic Interactions and General Equilibrium XI: Theories and Applications
Democracy, Globalization and Ownership: A General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences. International Conference on Public Economic Theory
Democracy, Globalization and Ownership: A General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences. Strategic Interactions and General Equilibrium XI: Theories and Applications
Democracy, Globalization and Ownership: A General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences
Poverty and Competition: Does the competition type matter?
Competition and Poverty: A Theoretical Analysis and an Empirical Study. 9th CEAFE/MWET Conference (Conférence Euro-Africaine en Finance et Economie/ Mediterranean Workshop in Economic Theory)
Competition and Poverty: Does the Competition Type Matter?, 2ème Journée Méditerranéenne “Modélisation et Analyse Statistique et Economique’’, CIHEAM-IAMM
Competition and Poverty: A Theoretical Analysis and an Empirical Study. The International Conference on Sustainable Development, Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
Competition and Poverty: Does the Competition Type Matter?
More Competition to Alleviate Poverty? A General Equilibrium Model and An Empirical Study. 1ère Journée Méditerranéenne “Modélisation et Analyse Statistique et Economique", Beit El-Hikma
More Competition to Alleviate Poverty? A General Equilibrium Model and An Empirical Study. Research Coffee Corner, MSB
Competition, Poverty and Ownership Structure. Economic and Statistic Modeling and Analysis seminar (MASE), ESSAI
International Ecolabel Vs National Ecolabels
International Ecolabel Vs National Ecolabels
Raising Environmental Awareness to Avoid the Worst