
Mediterranean School of Health Launching

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Mediterranean School of Health Launching Jun 13 2024 - Jul 31 2024

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🎉 La South Mediterranean University (SMU) est ravie de d'annoncer le lancement de la Mediterranean School of Health (MSH) ! đźŚź Une nouvelle ère de formation pour les professionnels de la santĂ© commence avec le tout nouveau centre de simulation, "MSH Clinic – Simulation Center". Merci Ă  tous d'avoir participĂ© Ă  l'inauguration de ce centre ! đźŚź Votre prĂ©sence a rendu cet Ă©vĂ©nement mĂ©morable. DĂ©couvrez quelques moments forts de cette journĂ©e historique.

#Inauguration #MSH #Innovation #Santé #SMU


🎉 The South Mediterranean University (SMU) is thrilled to announce the launching of the Mediterranean School of Health (MSH)! 🌟 A new era of trainings for healthcare professionals begins with the brand new "MSH Clinic – Simulation Center." Thank you all for attending the inauguration of this center! 🌟 Your presence made this event memorable. Check out some highlights from this historic day. #Inauguration #MSH #Innovation #Health #SMU


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