Qualifications: Ph.D Sciences Faculty of Tunis (FST) & Grenoble University France Information Technology Research Master National Institute of Polytechnics of Grenoble France Micro & Nano Electronics Engineering National Institute of Applied Science & Technology (INSAT) Tunisia Software Engineering
Lilia Sfaxi is an assistant professor in Computer Science in INSAT (National Institute of Applied Science and Technology), a part-time professor in Medtech and researcher in LIPSIC laboratory. She has a PHD under a joint supervision from the university Tunis el Manar (LIP2 Laboratory) and the university of Grenoble (Verimag Laboratory). She also has a master's degree from the INPG (Polytechnic National Institute of Grenoble) in Micro and Nano Electronics, and an engineering degree from INSAT, in the Software Engineering specialty
M. Naceur, Sfaxi, L.(2015). Applying RoBuSt Method for Robustness Testing of the Non-Interference Property. Springer’s Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI), (Impact Factor : 0.192).
Sfaxi, L., Abdellatif, T., Robbana, R. & Lakhnech, Y. (2013). Information Flow Control of Component-based Distributed Systems. Concurrency and Computation, Practice and Experience, Wiley, 1-6. (Impact Factor : 0.784).
Sfaxi, L., Abdellatif, T., Lakhnech, Y., & Robbana, R. (2011). Sécuriser les Systèmes Distribués à base de Composants par Contrôle de Flux d’Information. Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), 30, 1-35.
Conférence Internationale sur les Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition (NOTERE)
Best Paper Award for the publication : “Contrôle du flux d’information des systèmes distribués à base de composants”