
Frédéric Dalsace


Areas of Expertise


Research Interest

Alliance Sustainability

"ARTICLE | 2020

Rethinking capitalism: An opportunity for Switzerland

Harnessing a tradition of cooperation

By Dalsace, Frédéric

Topic: Sustainability Alliance

Publisher: International Institute for Management Development

Source notes: Tomorrow's Challenges

Abstract: As the World Economic Forum takes place in Davos, Professor Frédéric Dalsace says Switzerland can become a hub for partnerships to reform capitalism.

Reference: TC004-20 Language: English

Length: 1 page

Settings: Switzerland

Copyright owner: IMD Copyright"  

"ARTICLE | 2019

Réformer le capitalisme: la chance de la Suisse

By Dalsace, Frédéric

Topic: Alliance Sustainability

Source notes: Tribune de Genève

Abstract: Switzerland hosted the League of Nations a hundred years ago, the first COP forty years ago and the WBCSD (corporate alliances to promote sustainability) twenty-five years ago. By organizing, hosting and promoting such collaborative movements, Switzerland can now become the spearhead of a new type of collaboration, particularly in the field of business associations in their industrial sectors. A business on its own cannot change the world, but coalitions can break the codes of traditional capitalism by working for the public good. It could become a chance for Switzerland.

Language: French

Settings: Switzerland

Copyright owner: External Copyright"

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